Combining old traditions of Neon with new LED lighting

Nunc ultricies enim sed odio dictum, sed ultrices est porta.

Neon was once the only way to light signs and have their message read after the sun had set. Then in the late 1900’s, LED’s came into the marketplace. They were more durable, easier to use and gave a cost savings to the customer. LED’s were superior in every way.

The downside to LED’s though was the ability to wrap a sign in a consistent glow and have the wow factor. Neon had no equal when it came to catching the prospective patron’s eye.

When Dr. Boyd’s came to Integrated Signs, they wanted the pop and flash of an old traditional style sign. They also wanted the small bill from the electrical company that came with the LED’s. With these wishes at the top of the design department at ISA, we set off to create a lasting sign that will catch the eye of patrons for years and years to come. We took the retro look of older signs with the border neon and wrapped the sign. Then brought in the modern elements of channel letters with LED illumination and push-thru graphics for the smaller letters. This sign was then mounted onto a pole with some accent lighting additions.

The end result was a beautiful sign showing the company branding. The client has been getting positive feedback about the sign since the day it went up and the compliments have not stopped.

The next time you are going to open up a business, please call upon Integrated Signs to design, manufacture and install your next sign. Our designers will make sure your signage is head and shoulders above your competition.